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On January 15th, 2012, Babatu Rudo (aka Fred Myers) from the U.S.A along with friends from Accra in Ghana, West Africa, were comparing the similarities between African people of the Diaspora and Africans here on the Continent. We surmised that we have the same common problems; that is; " enriching the economy of foreign countries, foreign religious polarization and the adaptation of "Europecentric Ideologies." I shared with them including the Chiefs, our African Rites of Passage Organization we started in Baltimore Maryland, headed by Kumasi Johnson, Akebulan Rites of Passage

I purchased 6 acres of land and named it, Kwabena Healing Grounds (KHG), located in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.  KHG was a magnificent six acre farm dedicated to the empowerment of improvised African-American Youth and re-training them to the Afrocentric worldview. Korean War Veteran, Mr. Charles Ritzberg, our Elder from Richmond Virginia was a great inspiration, organizer and contributor. He formulated a lot of these words you are now reading. All praises due to him, while he is still alive.

The name Kwabena was a name selected from a village in Ghana, where I originally intended to build a school. However, KHG, did not survive the real-estate housing crisis at that particular time, partly because of a lack of concern from our  own communities.

I also was affiliated with a rites of passage organization in Baltimore, Maryland called Alkebulan (one of the original names of Africa). There, I partnered with  Mr. Kumase Johnson, (Sangowuji) a Yoruba babalowo. He was and still is a young dedicated brother. 

The First World People Organization (FWPO), has been through a lot of difficulties times due to betrayals and opportunist because of this it was necessary for us to add, Galactic Enterprises as our subsidiary to protect us from scrupulous characters. The name of our Non-Profit Organization is based on the Afrocentric-Pan-Africanist worldview, because we our the first Hue-man beings to inhabit the earth.


Babatu Rudo (aka Fred Myers), Visionary of First World People Organization

This vision has led me to my Exodus, Sojourn and Sankofa  back to mother Africa. FWP/Galactic enterprises, we consider ourselves Unifiers of our different cultures, economically, physically and spiritual. We can no longer wait on, religions, or foreign approval to show us the Love that we can give to ourselves.

Who is Galactic Charities?

Galactic Charities is the Subsidiary or stepchild of First World People (FWP). It is the non-governmental organization (NGO), not-for-profit part that is independent from states and international governmental organizations. FWP was incorporated by Mr. Babatu Rudo,(aka..fred myers), an African living in America, on January 31, 2012 under the Companies Act of 1963 (Act 179) in Accra, which is the capital city of Ghana.

Our mission statement is to teach and collect clothing and financing donations to benefit poor people here in Ghana, hence the surname of our company, Galactic Charities was created. Our objective is to unite with groups that share our sovereign perspectives within a cultural context. It is a fact that some of the big corporate agencies professing to aid the poor are nothing but scams, for cultural exploitation.  First World People, in conjunction with it's subsidary, Galactic Charities, is an organization with "no political or religious affiliations" because of the obvious divisive reasons. Our focus is on, retraining, (Sankofa) the minds of our future generations back to the ways of our ancient ancestors by learning from our past mistakes. Our goal is to break down the barriers (ie..visas, polytricks, languages and religions), that separate people of African descent. Chief Essiam, one chief in particular has agreed to come to America to aid in this process of unification and offering FREE LAND to all those who want to participate. Dr Maulana who heads the Ministry of the Future will be able to assist anyone with establishing a covenant of a Free Land Repatriation Act leading to Dual Citizenship!



The foundation of First World People (FWP) is the Land and the Lessors who sanction the use of it as follows:

  • Residential use of parcel of land situated at Akim-Abenase, Aklemansah in the Eastern Region of the Republic of Ghana​. Lessor -Madam Afia Dansoa, Chief of Ajumako, Ayinase (Witness: Yaw Frimpong)

  • Residential use of parcel of land situated at KASOU. ​Lessor - Ofusu.

  • Residential land Lessor by John Kwesi, situated in Kasou, who is also a FWP/Galactic Charitie's Coordinator here in Ghana.

  • Residential land Lessor, by Mr Quaye, located in APAM, Mumford district.


First World People

"Our mission is "Unity, helping people of African decent globally" 

(027) 4751597

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